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Global Operational Network

Global Operational Network

(As of March 31, 2024)
Japan: 23 companies / 334 locations
Overseas: 27 countries and regions / 72 companies / 471 locations
Number of employees (Group total) 46,916

LOGISTEED delivers a diverse lineup of high-quality services on a global scale, with our footprint across Japan, the Americas, Europe, East Asia, and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region. Through our reliable logistics solutions, we can help you to strengthen your global supply chain as a source of competitive advantages, while it involves more geographical locations and more operational complexity nowadays.



We are always ready to meet your diverse needs, whether on a local scale or nationwide, leveraging our full service lineups, needless to mention 3PL/contract logistics, our robust experience with a proven track record, and our warehousing and transportation network across the country.

Number of offices: 23 companies / 334 locations

The Americas

The Americas

We offer a variety of logistics services in the Americas, always making full use of our strong expertise, accumulated through our industry experience over the years, and our extensive delivery network and other logistics asset across the region.

Number of offices: 9 companies / 48 locations



Thanks to our far-reaching logistics systems and reliable transportation expertise, which encompass a variety of transportation modes, we are able to offer seamless coverage of all over Europe, supporting your business to penetrate into new and emerging markets.

Number of offices: 18 companies / 126 locations

East Asia

East Asia

With a focus mainly on China, we are expanding our network with additional investment in logistics centers, to reliably connect major cities in the East Asian region. We are also committed to meeting rapidly changing needs in the market with our innovative solutions.

Number of offices: 22 companies / 120 locations

South/Southeast Asia and Oceania

South/Southeast Asia and Oceania

We will continue responding to the customer needs in this fast growing region with our reliable solutions, while we make full use of our local operational footprint in the region, its seamless connectivity with our global network, and our successful supply chain expertise.

Number of offices: 23 companies / 177 locations

We have a fully-established security management and compliance system, and are also promoting AEO/C-TPAT certification.

In addition to our US subsidiary achieving the C-TPAT certification, our corporations in Japan, Holland, Czech Republic, and Thailand have obtained AEO certification.

Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) Program AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) Program LOGISTEED Group in Japan