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Stakeholder Engagement

The Group manages and maintains our business activities through interaction with our broad array of stakeholders including customers, investors, local communities, and local administrations. We provide various stakeholders with information and promote communication activities such as direct dialogue to deepen the understanding of the Group by stakeholders, and we also reflect their feedback and requests in our corporate activities to maintain and enhance trust relationships, with an aim to increase corporate value.

Responsible Dialogue with Stakeholders

StakeholdersPurposeCommunication channels/methodsNo. of conduct*1 or frequency
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Raise corporate brand value
Web seminars/briefings 11 times
874 attendees
Networking events using LOGISTEED CAFÉ 804 attendees from 275 companies*2 in total
Participation in large-scale exhibition Annually
Customer survey As needed
Providing information on website As needed
Consultation support via website and phone Regularly
  • Enhance employee motivation
  • Create a workplace full of smiles and vibrance
  • Constantly maintain good employer-employee relationship
Presentation and commendation of excellent improvement cases (VC Award) Annually
Roundtable discussion with the management (dialogue session) 4 times
361 attendees in total
Setting up of intranet site for improvement assistance
Establishment of learning platform
(event management system)
E-learning: 264 sessions were held
Approx. 140,000 attendees in total
Health and Safety Committee Monthly
Employee engagement survey
(domestic group companies)
Engagement Score:66
Stress check for employees
(domestic group companies)
18,644 attendees in total (response rate: 80.3%)
Setting up of a health management office staffed by a public health nurse As needed during working hours/24 hours a day
Providing health promotion information Monthly
Distribution of safety news Monthly
Providing information on health and safety using digital signage As needed at office
Providing company newsletter in intra site As needed
Development of an internal portal site As needed
Labor-management consultation 2 times/year
Setting up of whistleblower points of contact 24 hours
Business partners
  • Build good relationships with partners beyond the logistics domain
  • Maintain long-term, stable, and effective relationships with partner transport companies
Networking events using LOGISTEED CAFÉ 804 attendees from 275 companies*2 in total
Seminars for partner transport companies Semiannually in various locations*3
Commendation of partner transport companies When occurs
Setting up of dedicated inquiry contact for suppliers Regularly
Providing information on website for socially responsible procurement As needed
  • Achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value over the medium-to-long term with active dialogue through fair and highly transparent information disclosure in a timely and appropriate manner
Individual interviews by executives As needed
Results briefings 3 times
Individual meetings with institutional investors and analysts As needed
Issuing of Integrated Report Annually
Providing information on website As needed
Local administration/
Industry associations
  • Share recognition of cross-sectoral issues related to logistics
  • Contribute to solving issues through collaboration and solidarity and realize sustainable logistics
Participation in committees/conferences/
As needed
Participation in economic associations/industry groups As needed
Local community
  • Contribute to sustainable lifestyles and society through support for logistics innovation, etc.
  • Raise awareness on social role of logistics toward the next generation
Individual dialogue with NGOs/NPOs As needed
Support for holding sporting events/sports promotion As needed/
Establishment Track and Field Club
Dialogue with local governments As needed
Participation in volunteer activities As needed
Participation in local events As needed
Taking on internships 95 persons
Holding traffic and road safety class As needed

*1:Counted as of March 31, 2023
*2:The number of attendees and companies is the total of customers and business partners.
*3:Seminars were not held or reduced in size in FY2022 in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Stakeholder Dialogue

Check the adequacy of material issues

In the review of material issues conducted in FY2021, we held dialogue with external experts on the identified processes and the identified adequacy of material issues.

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