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LOGISTEED Group Sustainability


Management Philosophy

Under our group's corporate philosophy "to deliver high-quality services that will help make the world a better place for people and nature for generations to come," we have been promoting sustainability initiatives to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Our Group's Stakeholders


The Group manages and maintains its business activities through interaction with our broad array of stakeholders including customers, investors, local communities, and local administrations.

Basic CSR Policy

Under the corporate philosophy, the Group promotes activities in line with the Basic CSR Policy with an aim to realize a sustainable society through communication with our various stakeholders and integrate sustainability and management.

Basic CSR Policy

Recognize Recognition of Social Responsibility
Accurately recognize changes in external environment as well as social/environmental issues and expectation
Act Corporate Activities
Identify relevant issues, establish priorities for addressing issues, and act on them
Review and Improve Review and Improve
Review and Improve activities through proactive communication and stakeholder engagement

Sustainability Promotion Structure

In order to promote sustainability on a group-wide level, we have set up the "Sustainability Promotion Committee," chaired by Executive Vice President and Executive Officer, General Manager of the Corporate Strategy Office, and holds meetings regularly.
Important agenda discussed in the meetings are submitted to the Executive Committee.

Sustainability Promotion Structure

Recognition of Social Responsibility: Material Issues

The Group identified 15 material issues in FY2017 and developed four objectives from CSV* viewpoint, but we reviewed the material issues in FY2021 in light of drastic changes in issues and management environment relating to sustainability. In doing so, we identified material issues not only from ESG perspective but also in consideration of their relevance to solutions for social issues in the logistics industry and the business strategy. As a result, we identified a total of 12 material issues including those with strong focus on business and those unique to logistics operations, which is a social infrastructure, such as "Prevent accidents during operation" and "Enhance disaster prevention/mitigation."
With the recognition of the identified material issues as the social responsibility that the Group should fulfill, we promote effective activities toward solving social issues.

*Creating Shared Value (CSV): Refers to practices that balance activities to create economic benefits with solutions to social issues, or management strategies to achieve them

Identification process

・Step 1: Identify Issues

・Understood issues of previous material issues identified in FY2017
・Identified ESG issues (SDGs, evaluation items by ESG rating agencies, disclosure guideline for non-financial information, material issues in the logistics industry, issues in our business strategy, strategic issues of corporate divisions)
・Created a list of material issues

・Step 2: Prioritized issues

・Assessed the importance for stakeholders(Assessment weight of each industry by ESG raging agencies, Issues considered important by institutional investors, Investor survey)
・Assessed the importance for the Company(LOGISTEED WAY, our business measures, ESG initiatives, Medium-to-Long-term environmental targets, etc.)

・Step 3: Check the adequacy

  1. Assessment by the management
    (1) Assessment of material issues by the management
    (2) Discussion at the management workshop based on the assessment result in (1)
  2. Check of the adequacy by external experts
    Interview by external experts about the assessment process and adequacy of material issues
  3. Check of adequacy and approval by the Board of Directors
    Developed objectives and KPIs based on material issues

Material issues

・Contribute to decarbonized society
・Contribute to recycling-oriented society
・Secure diverse human resources to support growth
・Realize safe, healthy and rewarding workplace
・Establish a responsible supply chain in which human rights are respected
・Governance and compliance
・Prevent accidents during operation
・Risk management
・Build and evolve resilient, sustainable logistics services
・Step up DX
・Establish business models through collaborative innovation
・Enhance disaster prevention/mitigation

material Issue, materiality

Check the adequacy of material issues

In the material issues review conducted in FY2021, we carried out dialogue with external experts on identified processes and identified adequacy of material issues.

Corporate Activities: Development of Objectives

To decide specific activities for the issues that we should address with priority, out of the 12 material issues identified, we classified those related to value creation into three "Objectives"; and we classified those related to the business base, such as compliance and risk management, into "Supportive foundation for the objectives." We also clarified the relation between the objectives and SDGs.

Our Objectives

Objective 1:Contribute to Decarbonized/Recycling-oriented Society Objective 2:Build and Evolve Resilient, Sustainable Logistics Services Objective 3:Create New Values through Collaborative Innovation

The Group is fully aware of the importance of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs*), the universal goals the international community is aiming to reach by 2030.
Among the 17 SDGs the following eight goals are especially relevant to our objectives. We will work with various stakeholders to do our part in achieving these SDGs as we move into high gear to reach our objectives.

Among the 17 SDGs the following 8 are especially relevant to our objectives. Goal 5: Gender Equality, Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, Goal 13: Climate Action, Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

*SDGs:Sustainable Development Goals
SDGs were unanimously adopted by 193 UN member nations at the UN Sustainable Development Summit held in September 2015. SDGs are essentially a universal call to action, involving both developing as well as developed countries, and a commitment to "leave no one behind."

Material Issues and KPI

We have set KPIs for 12 identified material issues based on the priority measures, etc. of the Mid-term Management Plan "LOGISTEED2024." We will promote group-wide initiatives to address issues, manage the progress of KPIs, promote information disclosure, and aim to realize a sustainable society through dialogues with stakeholders.

Review and Improvement: Information Disclosure and Communication

We will review and improve our activities through disclosure of ESG information based on material issues and dialogues with stakeholders. By repeating a cycle of basic policy for CSR promotion, we will promote effective activities toward a resolution of social issues and aim to realize a sustainable society.

Web publication policy

This website publishes the basic concepts, results of activities for FY2021, and future plans for sustainability of the Group for the purpose of creating understanding in stakeholders. For disclosure, comprehensive information is published on activities related to sustainability promotion centering on ESG. In addition, as for the booklet, non-financial information and financial information have been integrated and published as Annual Reports since 2016, but from the 2020 edition, the Integrated Report is being issued instead of the conventional Annual Report.

Reference guidelines in editing our website

  • GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) "GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards)"
  • ISO26000
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