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Promoting Diversity

Promoting Diversity

The Group aims to be an organization where diverse human resources of different "gender," "race", "religion," "age," "disability," "sexual/religious/political orientation," "nationality," "social/cultural background" having various attributes, values, and backgrounds can fully demonstrate their potential and play an active role. In a society where it is difficult to predict the future, we will promote diversity and inclusion management so that diverse human resources can play an even more active role in the creation of added value and realize growth of the company through contributions to society.

Top Message

The Group established the Diversity Promotion Center in 2012 and has been promoting the establishment and promotion of diversity and inclusion, with a focus on the activities of women and senior citizens, for over the past 10 years.
Today, the decline in the domestic workforce is a serious management issue. The shortage of human resources is particularly pronounced in the logistics industry typified by the "2024 issue in logistics", and having more diverse human resources than ever before is essential for us to contribute to society through our logistics activities. In addition, through the spread of COVID-19, teleworking and other work styles have further promoted the evolution of diversity in our group, and those have caught on and become more widespread.
In this context, the social responsibility that companies must fulfill has been increasing in recent years as seen by movements such as the revision of the Act on Childcare Leave/Caregiver Leave, the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace and the Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons, and implementation of laws related to work style reform. We will not only focus on gender equality, but will also contribute to building a society rooted in diversity, aiming to become an organization where diverse human resources in terms of race, religion, sexual orientation, and the like can play an active role.
In the age of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), where uncertainty is ever-increasing, the diversity and flexibility of an organization created by human resources with various values and backgrounds is an irreplaceable value. As a driver for us to accelerate further growth on a global scale, I will take on the challenge of exploring new areas of diversity and inclusion for the next five to ten years.

Boosting Understanding of Diversity

With an aim of "respecting differences between individuals and allowing all to reach their potential in the workplace," we incorporate factors that may promote better understanding of employees about diversity in training by rank and strive to raise awareness of the entire Group.

Holding diversity conference

Diversity Conference

Since FY2014, we have been holding lectures for executives and managers by outside lecturers for the purpose of deepening understanding of diversity, promoting organizational efforts, and reforming employee awareness.
Since FY2020, training has been held both onsite and online, and the targets for participation have been expanded to include domestic group employees. In FY2022, we offered a lecture focusing on the promotion of diversity and inclusion for our 11,000 domestic group employees, of which approximately 760 employees attended.

Education of diversity and inclusion

We are implementing education utilizing our internal platform to promote understanding of the importance of diversity and inclusion. In FY 2022, we implemented e-learning on "Diversity (Basic)" for all domestic employees and "Diversity Management (For Managers)" for managers and higher. By offering contents in the form of e-learning courses, we are able to provide those who have already attended with opportunities to review while also offering the courses to new graduates and mid-career recruits as onboarding education.

Status of attendance in diversity and inclusion education (FY2022)

Number of
attendance rate
Diversity (basic) approx. 8,300 85%
Diversity Management
(for manager)
approx. 1,800 90%

Scope: the Company, domestic group companies

LGBT initiatives


The Group is engaged in the promotion of understanding of LGBT in the prevention of harassment related to sexuality and the promotion of active participation of diverse personnel. IN FY 2022, we held a "Seminar on Promotion of Understanding of Sexual Minorities" online by an external instructor for the human resources personnel in domestic group companies, and it was attended by 66 people. We also established an LGBT external consultation contact in October 2022. The external consultation contact can be used by all employees including those of LOGISTEED, domestic group companies and partner companies, and responses are made without identifying individuals unless the individual's consent has been obtained.

Promotion of Women's Participation in the Workplace

Establishment of KPIs for the active participation of women

The Company recognizes that the participation and advancement of women in the workplace is an essential issue for a global company. In FY2013, we began setting numerical targets (KPIs) for the ratio of women in management positions. In FY2022, we also set numerical targets for the ratio of female executive officers, and we systematically implement various measures to achieve each target.

KPI Results Target
Ratio of female managers FY2022: 6.9% FY2023: 10%
Ratio of female executive officers As of March 31, 2023: 5% FY2024: 10%

Scope: the Company

・Trends in the ratio of female managers

Trends in the ratio of female managers

Systematic promotion of women to assistant managers and managers

To promote active participation of women, we trust young female employees with assignments with greater responsibilities to give them opportunities to gain knowledge and experience as well as raise their motivation, and systematically promote them to assistant managers and managers.

・Trends in the ratio of female assistant managers

Trend in the ratio of female assistant managers

Awareness building training for female employees (leadership training / career development training)

Since 2021, we have been providing women in assistant management positions with leadership training in order to facilitate the promotion of female employees to management positions. In FY2022, we held an online panel discussion with senior female managers, at which the two panelists and sixteen attendees were able to interact. Since FY2021, we have also been providing career development training to female employees at the level just prior to promotion to assistant manager. In FY2022, we provided the training online, with 37 attendees from across all domestic group companies. This training helps attendees understand the need for mid- to long-term career design and also provides an opportunity to dispel the vague anxiety that female employees typically feel toward the future, such as about how to balance work with their private life and life events, and to get started on realizing the career they envision for themselves.

・Number of attendees in awareness building training for female employees

 FY2021  FY2022
Leadership training*1  20 16
Career development training*2  46 37

Scope: The Company for*1, and the Company and domestic group companies for*2

Ratio of female employees in new graduates hired in our group

We are working to increase the hire rate for new graduate females and thereby secure more female personnel.

Ratio of female employees in new graduates hired

Ratio of female employees in new graduates hired

Scope: The Company, domestic group companies

Appendix: Non-consolidated basis

Ratio of female employees in new graduates hired (FY2023)24.3%

Support for Balancing Work and Childrearing/Nursing Care

The Group believes that it is essential to establish a workplace where employees can maintain a work-life balance even when they face a serious life event in order for them to achieve sustainable growth. We have a system to provide assistance for a work-life balance of employees that goes beyond the legal standards to ensure that they can continue to work with a sense of security while raising their children or caring for their family members. And by means such as facilitating employees' awareness through aggressive provision of necessary information, we will strive to develop an environment and work climate that allows diversified work styles.

Promotion of male employees to take childcare leave

seminar to encourage male employees to take childcare leave

In addition to expanding overall awareness of the support system for balancing work and childcare and increasing understanding in the workplace of male employees taking childcare leave, we also promote work style reforms that include reducing overtime and holiday work and promoting the use of annual paid leave. In FY2022, we held a seminar to promote male employees taking childcare leave, with a focus on the revisions to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act and the impact that male employees taking childcare leave has on workplace creation and team strategies. Approximately 270 employees from the Company and domestic group companies attended (including online). The Company set the numerical target (KPI) of 20% of male employees taking childcare leave by FY2023, and we achieved this early with a ratio of 52.5% in FY2022.

Status of those who took childcare leave (FY2022)

persons ratio
Number of childcare leave taken by male employees (persons) 21 52.5%
Number of childbirth leave for prospective fathers taken*
7 17.5%

Scope: The Company

* Number of employees whose spouse gave birth during FY2022: 40

In FY2023, we provided employees of the Company and domestic group companies with e-learning courses to promote mutual understanding of "male employees taking childcare leave" throughout the workplace as a whole and to foster a corporate culture that facilitates taking childcare leave.

・E-learning attendance rate (FY2023)

Name of training Number of targeted employees Number of attendees Attendance rate
Cooperate as a workplace!
Encourage men to take childcare leave
Approx. 10,500 Approx. 9,100 86%

Scope: The Company, domestic group companies

Appendix: Changes in the number of employees taking childcare leave (the Company)

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of those who took childcare leave (persons) 14 19 15 27 30

Awareness-raising activities using such as handbooks

Balancing work and childrearing

To help support employees taking childcare leave in balancing work and childrearing, we have prepared a "Handbook for Supporting Balancing Work and Childrearing" for employees and a "Manual for Supporting Balancing Work and Childrearing" for managers and a "Handbook for Supporting Balancing Work and Childrearing" for male employees in order to provide an environment where employees can easily use the system and support return to work, and published them on the group intranet. In addition, in cases where the group intranet cannot be accessed due to being on childcare leave, they have been made viewable on personal smartphones through the use of QR codes, providing an environment faciliaing use and supporting returning to the workplace.

Handbook for Supporting Balancing Work and Childrearing Manual for Supporting Balancing Work and Childrearing Handbook for Supporting Balancing Work and Childrearing

Balancing work and nursing care

Handbook for Supporting Balancing Work and Nursing Care

Guidance for Supporting Balancing Work and Nursing Care

We have also created a "Handbook for Supporting Balance of Work and Nursing Care" to increase opportunities to balance nursing care with work, and we are striving to improve support to employees for nursing care while working through dissemination via the group intranet and QR codes.
In FY2022, we started regular streaming of informational content on nursing care on the group intranet for domestic group company employees. The volume and content have been designed to be read in a short time regardless of time and place, and it is viewed by around 800 people every month.
Continuously communicating information on nursing care not only provides information to interested employees, but also an opportunity for employees to obtain basic knowledge on nursing care.

Promoting the Active Participation of Foreign Human Resources

Our company is making various efforts to build a foundation for developing global human resources.
Currently, employees of various nationalities such as China, South Korea, Thailand, Russia and Kenya are actively working.

Continued recruitment of foreign employees

We are continuously hiring foreign employees to promote diversification of human resources.

Ratio of foreign employees

Scope: The Company

Encouraging Employment of Persons with Disabilities

The Group is making various efforts with the goal of creating a workplace where employees with disabilities can play an active role.
We implements a variety of group-wide initiatives on hiring persons with disabilities, including taking on personnel for practical training from special needs schools and cooperating with the support office of universities.
We also prepare the work environment by setting up laborsaving equipment especially geared toward persons with disabilities and creating barrier-free environment.
We will continue to hire persons with disabilities as well as to tailor the work environment to these individuals.

Ratio of persons with disabilities hired

*1 Scope: The Company, domestic group companies
*2 Reference: Statutory employment rate and average private enterprise employment rate as of June 1st of each year

Promotion of Employment of the Elderly

Our company is rehiring all applicants for re-employment after retirement age of 60. Through life plan training and interviews before retirement, we support the active participation of the elderly who can make the most of their careers and promote the creation of a work environment where they can demonstrate their abilities.

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Re-employment of the elderly 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Scope: The Company

Recognition from Outside the Company

In acknowledgement of the Center's various initiatives and achievements, in October 2018, we received "Eruboshi (L Star) Certification (Stage 2)" from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as a company which made excellent efforts for the promotion of women's active participation and advancement in the workplace.

Child-rearing, with the logo Eruboshi (L-Star) Certification

Diversity Data

The following is the data including Diversity.