At the Group, we aim to support a diverse group of people to truly shine.
The Group has identified "Establish a responsible supply chain in which human rights are respected" as a material issue, and implemented initiatives to build a responsible supply chain that respects human rights, such as establishing a human rights policy and evaluating human rights risk.
Under the corporate philosophy "to deliver high-quality services that will help make the world a better place for people and nature for generations to come", and taking into consideration the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Based on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations Global Compact, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we have formulated our human rights policy in April 2023.
We have positioned this policy as the highest policy related to human rights, and will continue to promote initiatives related to human rights.
This policy has formulated after obtaining approval at the Board of Executive Officers' Meeting after receiving advice from an external specialized organization on human rights.
We also use the Group Code of Conduct as a manual, which includes "Respect for human rights" in the basic code of conduct to further deepen understanding of respect for human rights, and have been conducting employee training through e-learning, and training by rank for new employees, experienced workers, and for new assistant managers and new managers. In FY2022, 453 full-time employees (18% of whom were management) of the Company and its domestic group companies participated in rank-based training that included human rights-related topics.
Furthermore, in "Group Code of Conduct Month" held every October, the President issued a message on "respecting human rights and adhering to compliance" and we also conducted compliance training in the workplace using case studies incorporating content on human rights within LOGISTEED and its (domestic) group companies. The results of the tally of reports of participants in workplace training in FY2022 indicated that there were 22,547 participants.
The Group conducts human rights impact assessments via third-party institutions to identify risks and issues, and implements measures to build a business foundation that respects human rights. Specific steps toward human rights impact assessments and responses are as follows.
Step 1: Global desktop research on the logistics industry
Since FY2022, through RightsDD Limited. and with the support of the Global Alliance for Sustainable Supply Chain, which possesses deep insight into human rights issues, we have been conducting global desktop research on our overall efforts to date as well as on the logistics industry as a whole to identify and outline global human rights issues common to all industries and those of particular importance in the logistics industry.
Step 2: Fact-finding surveys on forced labor under the technical intern training program, a high priority risk in Japan
Based on the results of Step 1, we conducted fact-finding surveys on forced labor under the technical intern training program, which has been identified as a high-priority risk in Japan, at the domestic group companies that employ the largest number of technical intern trainees. The results of these surveys, which included training site surveys and interviews with technical intern trainees and the organizations that supervise them, confirmed that the surveyed group companies are implementing appropriate management.
Step 3: Desktop research on each group company and SAQs* based on the results
Next, with the desktop research implementation rate as a FY2023 KPI, we conducted risk assessments for 81 domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries (as of April 2023), from five perspectives: geography, products, industry, employment type, and laws and regulations. (Implementation rate: 100%) While particularly emphasizing the perspectives of geography and products from among these, we implemented individual SAQs at the 27 companies (33%) that were identified as high-risk overall, and based on the results, we will continue to earnestly implement measures tailored to the risks and issues faced by each company.
*SAQ: Self-Assessment Questionnaire
・Results of desktop research conducted on each group company
Domestic Group | Overseas Group | The Group as a whole | ||||
Number of companies | Ratio | Number of companies | Ratio | Number of companies | Ratio | |
High risk | 0 | 0% | 27 | 44% | 27 | 33% |
Low risk | 20 | 100% | 34 | 56% | 54 | 67% |
Total | 20 | 100% | 61 | 100% | 81 | 100% |
We will continue to work with supervisory organizations to ensure appropriate training and to maintain and improve working environments, and in the future, we will continue to implement measures to establish a human rights due diligence promotion system and to strengthen the foundation needed to ensure a responsible supply chain that respects human rights.
With the establishment of the "LOGISTEED Group Human Rights Policy" in April 2023, the Group updated part of the "My Declaration of Human Rights" made in July 2021.
"My Declaration of Human Rights" is an initiative to realize a society in which everyone respects human rights by having companies, organizations, and individuals who participate in the "My Declaration of Human Rights" initiative administered by the Ministry of Justice declared that they will take actions respecting human rights. The "LOGISTEED Group Human Rights Policy" is the Group's highest policy on human rights, and the Group has positioned it as the premise for "respect for human rights" set forth in the fundamental guideline for action in the "Group Code of Conduct" established in 2016. We will take this update to "My Declaration of Human Rights" as an opportunity to further deepen our understanding of its intent of respect for human rights and business respecting human rights.
We are aware that harassment is increasing in workplaces, schools, and other places, and that it is becoming a social problem. To promote understanding of what harassment is, our group has hung posters in Japan to raise awareness of harassment prevention at offices. We have also set up a harassment consultation desk to respond to employee inquiries and otherwise promote harassment-free workplaces. In FY2021, we conducted video training on the prevention of harassment for all managers of domestic group companies and worked to strengthen measures against harassment, which has become an issue of increasing occurrence in companies.
The Group aims to be an organization where diverse human resources of different "gender," "race," "religion," "age," "disability," "sexual/religious/political orientation," "nationality," "social/cultural background" having various attributes, values, and backgrounds can fully demonstrate their potential and play an active role. In a society where it is difficult to predict the future, we will promote diversity and inclusion management so that diverse human resources can play an even more active role in the creation of added value and achieve growth of the company through contributions to society.
In order to raise awareness of human rights, harassment, and diversity, the Group provides repeated opportunities for training, with the goal of ensuring that all employees attend human rights training at least once a year. We continue to achieve this goal through the continuous implementation of educational measures focused on the key themes of each fiscal year, in addition to rank-based training and Code of Conduct Month*.
・Number of attendees (persons) by training theme: diversity, human rights, and harassment
Diversity | Human rights | Harassment | FY2021 | FY2022 | ||
Rank-based training | New employees trainings | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 177 | 199 |
New assistant managers trainings | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 160 | 170 | |
New managers trainings | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 137 | 101 | |
Other training | Group Code of Conduct Month | ✓ | 22,689 | 22,547 | ||
Harassment training | ✓ | 11,742 | 3,977 | |||
Practical diversity - basic | ✓ | 0 | 8,964 | |||
Career development training for female employees | ✓ | 46 | 76 | |||
Leadership training for female Logisteed employees | ✓ | 20 | 26 | |||
Practical diversity management | ✓ | 0 | 1,734 | |||
Training for supervisors of female employees | ✓ | 51 | 43 |
Scope: The Company, domestic group companies
*Group Code of Conduct Month: October has been designated the Group Code of Conduct Month, during which upper management takes the initiative to lead the entire Group by example in establishing corporate ethics and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.
The Company respects freedom of association, the right to organize, and the right to collective bargaining as workers' rights, and the Group Code of Conduct clearly identifies acts that hinder workers' freedom of association and right to collective bargaining as examples of prohibited conduct.
In addition, in an effort to improve the working environment through dialog between labor and management, the Company has also established a labor-management council and regularly organizes meetings to serve as venues for explaining important management matters to the labor union and for holding discussions between labor and management on benefits, wages, and other matters.
Ratio of labor union membership | |
The Company | 54.9% |
Domestic group companies* | 94.0% |
*Including employee organizations (employee associations)
The Group strives to ensure appropriate working conditions by guaranteeing the minimum wage in the Group Code of Conduct and stipulating compliance with working hour limitations and provisions on equal pay for equal work as set forth in the laws and regulations of each country and region.
In addition, in accordance with established rules, all employees are treated fairly and appropriately based on the results of individual evaluations, and wage levels are determined by reflecting one's roles, abilities, and personal results, as well as the content of labor-management agreements.
Ratio of employees receiving individual assessments | |
The Company | 100% |
Domestic group companies | 100% |
The LOGISTEED Group seeks to strengthen human resource capability through securing of human resources according to management strategy, training and skill development, and the establishment of the foundation of a personnel system.
Toward the "LOGISTEED2030," we strive to actively secure diverse human resources who can contribute to our business with skills for global business and DX and other expertise, and promote initiatives to support their early participation.
In addition to adopting a direct recruiting approach, we also offer internship programs and hold roundtable discussions with employees to provide those who were not interested in the logistics industry with opportunities to know about and become interested in Logistics DX. In FY2022, we offered five internship programs and held seven roundtable discussions, with participation by 133 and 35 students respectively.
We are focusing on securing human resources who have practical language skill as well as understanding of the culture and business environment of relevant countries and can work together toward globalization to enhance and expand overseas business. We also actively hire foreign new graduates to deepen understanding of other employees around them about foreign cultures and also to promote globalization. From FY2020 to FY2022, recruitment activities slowed due to the impact of COVID-19 inside and outside Japan, but we will continue with recruitment while monitoring the situation.
・Percentage of foreign employees among new graduates hired
Percentage of foreign employees among new graduates hired |
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 |
0% | 11% | 8% |
Scope: The Company
We provide trainings on the LOGISTEED WAY, safety, and legal compliance to young employeed and mid-careeremplyees.
We conduct training aimed at making careers more relevant to the individual. In FY2022, career training was provided for managers and young employees in rank-based training programs, with 328 employees taking part. Under the mentor system, in addition to supervisors in assigned departments, senior employees also serve as mentors and counselors to support young employees in their career development. Through dialogue with mentors with diverse work experience, young employees have the opportunity to broaden their perspectives and deepen their understanding of careers in our group.
We conduct surveys on young employees to measure their awareness of participating in the organizations they belong to and improving their productivity, in order to use the results to give advice to their supervisors on management. We also strive to improve the employee retention rate by introducing a mentoring program and having career development interviews on a regular basis.
The Group is engaged in supporting active skill development of each and every employee. We organize the skills required for each role and key position, and provide education by rank, in addition to systematically providing specialized education in areas such as logistics site management and logistics technology, offering educational opportunities according to the steps of growth of employees. By periodically assessing skills, we visualize the gap between individuals' actual and desired skill levels, and provide an environment enabling them to participate in educational programs according to their respective development themes.
Furthermore, we provide development management support programs for managers, and are working to raise the level of the skill development environment within the workplace.
We have established a groupwide educational system, and conduct practical and specialized training for all employees. In addition to training such as training by rank, training to strengthen on-site capabilities and manager training, we have independently developed training for all employees aimed at improving the basic skills of all employees and promoting communication and training for core personnel handling 3PL operations, and conduct human resource development with a view to further strengthening our operating base. Since FY2022, in addition to conventional training for quickly gaining specialized knowledge required in our main business, we have also been implementing training measures for human resources with DX skills and human resources with global skills as priority themes required for the realization of the Mid-term Management Plan "LOGISTEED 2024."
We have been providing career training, in a primarily rank-based format, since FY2019 in order to aid employees in developing their own careers. In addition, we provide skills training for career development via a variety of educational programs, with some focusing on general business skills and others designed to impart business-specific specialized skills. (Rate of attendance in skills training in FY2022: 227.6% / Targeting 11,573 domestic group employees)
・Status of attendance in educational programs
Career training (Cumulative total between FY2019 and FY2022) | Number of attendees | |
Rank-based training | 4th-year training | 344 |
Training for assistant managers | 85 | |
Training for managers | 41 | |
Other training | Training for workplace supervisors | 288 |
Career development training for female employees | 122 | |
Online courses | 229 | |
Total | 1,099 | |
Skills training (FY2022) | Total number of attendees | |
Specialized skills | 6,836 | |
Business skills | 19,502 | |
Total | 26,338 |
Scope: The Company, domestic group companies
In order to secure human resources with DX skills to handle the creation of new businesses utilizing IT, we are improving DX education in addition to existing training systems. Specifically, we provide all employees with "DX mindset training" for learning basic knowledge on DX via e-learning, and also specialized education such as "transformation mindset development training" encouraging transformation (X) and "training to strengthen DX technical skills" for the purpose of strengthening practical DX skills.
All subject employees attended "Mindset Training" aiming at cultivating issue-solving mindset | FY2022 |
Mindset Training | 8,122 |
Implemented an education program to develop human resources with DX skills | FY2022 (cumulative) |
Intensive training for human resources to promote DX business | 395 in total |
Intensive training for DX technical skills | 408 in total |
DX mindset cultivation program | 2,424 in total |
Scope: The Company, domestic group companies
We offer programs including a global communication education and an overseas business training program to develop human resources who think on a global scale, have a high degree of expertise and contribute to business by transcending differences in culture or values.
Overseas training program has been in place since 1989 with the aim of providing young employees with opportunities to gain overseas experience and of fostering global human resources.
For our group, whose corporate vision is to become "the most preferred global supply chain solutions provider," it is critical to foster human resources with global thinking and high expertise who can contribute to our business across different cultures and values.
Trainees who have completed one-year training are required to report in English on issues they faced regarding the theme they addressed, the improvement recommendations implemented and the result, proposals to the Company based on their local experience, and their future action plan. Trainees also exchange their opinions each other. The number of countries and regions to which young employees were sent under the overseas training program in the last five years reached 17.
Number of young employees in the overseas training program (FY2022) | 7 attendees |
Destination of young employees in the overseas training program (Total: from 2018 to 2022) | 17 countries/regions |
We have established the "Global Faculty" within the company for the purpose of developing human resources with global skills" capable of globally leading business by understanding the diverse values of employees each country and region and getting them involved. The Global Faculty has programs for developing personnel posted overseas according to their level (assistant manager, manager, general manager) and is aimed at developing human resources capable of working in each position including the management level of overseas local subsidiaries.
Number of representative-level personnel posted to overseas local subsidiaries* (FY2022) | 22 |
* Number posted from the Company and some domestic subsidiaries
In addition to establishing the "Global Faculty" for the development of employees' global mindset, we provide assistance for English proficiency test expenses and voluntary programs for developing practical communication skills using English including reading, listening and writing, providing systems and opportunities encouraging autonomous behavior.
Time invested in global human resource development (FY2022) | 6,669.5 hours |
Scope: The Company, domestic group companies
As the expected roles of employees are diversifying, we support independent career development.
We have been promoting the implementation of career design training as a support program for activating communication between superiors and subordinates, with the aim of instilling career design in each workplace.
In addition, as one support environment, we have offered about 100 correspondence courses to provide an environment where employees can acquire the universal skills required in each workplace in real time.
Furthermore, LOGISTEED introduced a system that allows employees to take public lectures outside the company to encourage the acquisition of skills necessary for individual issues based on the results of the skills survey, and 164 employees took the courses.
Education expenses per employee (full-time employee) | 37,194 yen |
Education time per employee (full-time employee) | 6.0 hours |
Total education time (full-time employee) | 161,644 hours |
Scope: The Company, domestic group companies
As the Group works to standardize the evaluation criteria, we are shifting, ahead of others, to the Group common "personnel system" applicable to managers in Japan in which we clarify roles, responsibilities, expectations, results, and required skills, placing "the right person in the right job" based on their ability and motivation. We will aim to create greater value for the Group as a whole by encouraging each employee to autonomously carry out their roles, have a challenging spirit and grow, as well as better reflecting their actions, processes, and results in evaluation and compensation in order to build their sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
With a view to introducing the job-based personnel system, we are working to unify the criteria to establish organizations within the Group to enable flexible job rotation to place "the right person in the right job." We are also creating position profiles which clarify and stipulate roles to shift to a compensation system based on the evaluation criteria for the "position."
We are working to build a "HR visualization platform" common to domestic and overseas group companies that enables to accumulate and centrally manage human resource data.By using this platform,we aim to realize a human resource strategy that systematically secures, develops, and allocates human resources by position defined in the job description. The use of this platform also allows both employees and their superiors to identify any gap between what is described in the job description and the actulal status, which helps emloyees to design their own careers and improve their skills with support of their superiors, contributing to enhancing the capabilities of all employees.
We are working to increase employee engagement and invigorate the organization through initiatives such as working-style reform and diversity and inclusion.
We are promoting the "working-style reform" through various initiatives to ensure employees can stay healthy, feel secure, and find their work rewarding, with an aim to increase the productivity of the organization as a whole and the corporate value through active participation of each and every employee.
We have been working on "VC activities" with the goals that "the Company continues to grow" and "employees find their work rewarding" as daily improvement activities to implement the "LOGISTEED WAY". We continue to improvement activities in a cycle in which employees come up with ideas on themes aimed at resolving various issues at each business site or department and systematically implement improvements.
By "visualization of improvement activities" and "cultivation of the culture of praise ," such as sharing the improvement efforts of each business establishment widely within the Company and holding regular presentations to commend good practices, we are trying to establish a culture of improvement.
Based on deep human-centered dialogue, we are strengthening our organizational and operational capabilities by advancing our work in a cycle of learning while having fun, creating ideas, and implementing improvements.
The accumulation of these "VC activities" is not only the source of the foundation and value creation that supports our business model as an improvement culture, but also leads to making work rewarding for employees and increasing engagement.
We create a people-oriented workplace where employees stay and get together through communication full of smiles and vibrance.
We design a community "Logistics OPEX: Operational Excellence" where employees enjoy repeating learning and improvement through deep discussion for managers and workers to discuss and appreciate their experiences and ideas side by side and create a workplace full of smiles and vibrance.
Some of the employees who participated in the community said, "Now I can talk to my boss easily," "I think my workplace has become cheerful" and "I got the hang of my work." In addition, in order to develop human resources capable of utilizing Logistics OPEX at each workplace, a "Dialogue Cafe" has been held as a learning opportunity. 29 sessions were held in FY2022, mainly online, with 200 participants.
Number of people who implemented workplace improvements (Human resources who can utilize OPEX)(FY2022 cumulative) | 529 |
Scope:The Company, domestic group companies
We started a dialogue session with the aim of "practicing communication that transcends the boundaries of the office organization" in FY2019.
In FY2022, we held an online "digital dialogue session" four times in a bid to promote communication beyond job positions with approximate 361 (including management executive) attendees from around Japan. Active and friendly discussion was conducted by talking to each other about employees own experiences transcending job boundaries on the main themes of the environment including decarbonization and initiatives to improve safety and quality. Also, implementing it online enabled employees around Japan to join at the same time over geographical distances to share work themes and concerns, and obtain connections with colleagues and ideas for solutions. At this event, employees learn about the process of creating and refining ideas through "deep dialogue," which they use in their daily improvement activities at workplace.
Participants learned how to come up with and sophisticate ideas through "deep dialogue" in this event and are using it in their daily improvement activities at their workplaces.
We regularly hold workshop for generating improvement ideas by directly hearing the voices of employees working on-site. We are striving to improve work environment and operating process by sharing what they think is unnecessary or inefficient and exchanging ideas about how to improve them. In order to further cultivate the mindset of employees toward environmental activities, the "Green Action Workshop" on the theme of environmental protection held since FY2021 was also held in FY2022. We also held a workshop (Smart Work Design Workshop) as a new program on the theme of using digital technology to improve work efficiency.
Workshop 1
Workshop 2
We provide various improvement education based on the self-developed "Improvement Handbook".
We are making various efforts such as preparing this in comic book format so that employees can learn enjoyably. We provide unique improvement education adopting Industrial Engineering (IE), etc. In FY2022, we implemented digital improvement ambassador education (leader development) and digital improvement power user education (developer training) to develop human resources for promoting digital improvements in work within the company.
We implement cross-departmental productivity reforms by making full use of digital tools such as RPA (Robotic Process Automation). We are promoting the introduction of digital tools from both top-down and bottom-up by sharing good examples of automation and improvement of efficiency of work utilizing various digital tools including RPA in places to share information such as executive meetings and on the company intranet. In addition, increased accessibility to examples of improvements in similar work has activated communication across departments, leading to further improvements in productivity.
Reduction of working hours (FY2022 culutative) | 468,000 hours |
Scope: The Company, domestic group companies
We share excellent improvement cases within the Group and manage the progress of improvement initiatives using the dedicated system.
The VC Award is held once a year as a forum for the presentation and commendation of excellent cases of VC activities.
In November 2022, we held "VC Award" online. As we had to refrain from holding meetings in a large group as a preventive measure against the spread of COVID-19, we connected LOGISTEED CAFÉ in the head office building and offices in each region online, allowing more than 900 including the Company's officers and the employees of group companies to participate the event. Among 66 improvement/excellent cases selected by group companies and departments, five cases selected by vote of 5,222 employees were elaborately presented.
VC Award 1
VC Award 2
The number of improvement initiatives of the entire our group proposed in FY2022 reached approximately 16,000.
In FY2021, most of our activities were held online due to COVID-19. Group companies have conducted various activities in addition to those listed below.
Name of activity | Number of times |
VC Award | 1 |
Workshop for generating ideas (Green Action Workshop) |
60(28) |
Digital dialogue events | 4 |
Improvement education/assistance | 95 |
Logistics OPEX-related activities | 58 |
VC21 activities steering committee meetings | 48 |
Total | 266 |
We comply with local laws and regulations in countries and regions where we operate to ensure appropriate working hours. To reduce overtime hours in Japan, we are encouraging employees and managers to change their mindsets by managing objective records such as computer log management and biometric authentication for management of working hours, and are also encouraging to improve work efficiency through means such as office digitization using RPA (Robotic Process Automation), etc. By actively using labor-saving equipment such as automated guided vehicles and automated forklifts are , we are working to reduce overwork by employees and increase productivity. Furthermore, we are implementing SSCV-Safety (safety operation management solution) that utilizes IoT in vehicles such as trucks, and tracking operational status and drivers' health and fatigue in real time to reduce accidents and achieve efficient operation, leading to driver safety and appropriate working hours.
For taking paid leave, we ensure that we comply with local laws and regulations in the countries and regions where we operate, and we are also working to improve the rate of taking leave such as periodically distributing manuals for business sites in Japan.
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | |
Overtime hours (hours/month)*1 | 28.1 | 27.5 | 27.3 |
Number of paid leave taken (days)*2 | 14.2 | 15.7 | 15.9 |
16.7 | 16.9 | 16.8 | |
Rate of paid leave taken*2 | 61.0% | 67.9% | 68.8% |
69.8% | 70.7% | 70.6% |
*1 Scope: The Company (full-time employees)
*2 Scope: (Upper row) The Company (full-time employees)/(Lower row) domestic group companies (full-time employees)
We have introduced a teleworking system to enable employees to make the most of their abilities and improve their work productivity while harmony between work and personal lives, to ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster, and to enable flexible work styles to support the balancing of work with childrearing, nursing care, medical treatment and the like.
We are installing a ventilating and air conditioning system in logistics centers and sales offices across the country. In addition, we install the wireless LAN system in staff lounges and improved powder room interior to create a comfortable and employee-friendly working environment.
We issued the Group Corporate Health Declaration in August 2022. Under the basic policy set forth for health and productivity management, we have established a system and are working on various measures.
Health and Productivity Management |
We believe that in order for our workplaces to be full of vitality and for the Group to continue to grow, it is of utmost importance for employees to always "continue to work in good health with a sense of security with motivation". It is our mission to contribute to the creation of a prosperous society through high-quality logistics services, and the foundation for this mission is the physical and mental health of each and every employee. We declare that we regard the health of our employees as one of the management issues that the company should address, and that we will establish a system for promoting corporate health and promote various measures to achieve this goal. |
Our group will implement various initiatives based on the concept of health and productivity management to realize a safe, healthy, and rewarding workplace.
1.Support for maintenance and improvement of employee health
Our occupational health staff, including public health nurses and other medical professionals, works in collaboration with the health insurance society (division of duties and coordination) to take a population approach*1 by disseminating health topics (every month), and a high-risk approach*2 by providing health guidance to those who have health problems.
2.Reinforcement of illness countermeasures
We incorporate eye fundus examination and cancer screening into regular health checkups to ensure early detection and early treatment of illnesses.
Furthermore, we implemented workplace vaccinations for domestic Group employees and related parties to prevent the spread of COVID-19,with 10,190 people receiving vaccinations (first and second) in FY2021 and 6,633 people receiving vaccinations (third and fourth) in FY2022.
3. Health consultation
We have put in place a system in which industrial physicians are consulted about health by employees face-to-face and online during working hours, and as needed via e-mail. While utilizing external services, we have established a mental and physical health consultation desk for employees and their families, and provide support such as being able to receive advice from specialists.
*1. Population approach: A method of lowering risk factors in the population as a whole
*2. High-risk approach: A method of preventing illness by reducing risk for those at higher risk
We have established the Group Health Management Section, which is staffed by public health nurses and other dedicated staff to support the health promotion of our employees. In addition to providing consultation services to Group's employees regarding chronic illnesses, poor health, mental and physical health concerns, self-care, etc., monthly "Health Topics" are delivered on a dedicated intranet site to help improve health literacy by providing easy-to-understand information on how to live a healthy life. In this way, we work to enhance health management and health promotion support measures and strive to create a workplace where employees can work in good health and with peace.
Our group includes the following items in periodic health examinations to improve the health of employees, which exceed statutory requirements and lead to the corrective action against lifestyle-related diseases and the early detection and early treatment of cancer.
To ensure that each and every employee, the source of the Group's competitiveness, is able to display his or her abilities to the fullest, we promote the creation of a safe and healthy working environment where employees can work with peace of mind. Monthly Health and Safety Committee meetings are held at all domestic business offices to identify risks related to the health and safety of employees and discuss countermeasures. In particular, in regard to health, we monitor four items over time to serve as indicators for health risk assessments, and closely examine the correlation with the percentage of the number of sick days taken. We also provide rank-based training to deepen employees' understanding of occupational health and safety-related standards that are to be followed in the course of business, as well as diet, exercise, and sleep, which are important areas of knowledge for employees in managing their own health.
We ensure that all employees are covered by Health and Safety Committee activities, such as by holding committee meetings even at small-scale business offices that are not required to establish a Health and Safety Committee. (93.7% of employees are covered in the domestic Group overall.)
We conducted risk assessments for employees at all domestic business offices based on the following four indicators.
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Stress check participation rate | 79.7% | 80.1% | 80.3% |
Ratio of highly stressed employees | 14.2% | 13.7% | 15.0% |
Ratio of employees receiving specific health guidance | 42.6% | 35.2% | 45.0% |
Smoking rate | 37.6% | 35.7% | 34.7% |
Scope: The Company, domestic group companies
Rate of sick leave days* (FY2022) | 1.05% |
*(Number of sick leave days/Total prescribed working days for employees) × 100
Scope: The Company, domestic group companies
Training | Specific content | Number of attendees (persons) |
New employees trainings | Practical instruction on workplace safety and accident prevention | 182 |
Basic training for young employees | Fostering safety awareness using recent examples of workplace accidents | 186 |
New assistant managers trainings | Understanding as a manager on occupational safety and hygiene and explanation of recent accident cases | 137 |
New managers trainings | Understanding of safety and hygiene management systems, safety obligations, and health risks due to long working hours | 67 |
Scope: The Company (full-time employees), domestic group companies (full-time employees)
We believe the active participation of diverse human resources is an important factor for the Group to contribute to society through its logistics business. We have established systems and structures to realize diverse working styles, as well as create/promote a culture of diversity and inclusion mainly through education.
To realize sustainable growth, we need to develop strong relationship between employees and the Company and increase employee engagement. To increase employee engagement, it is imperative to deepen understanding of and spread the LOGISTEED WAY which shows the Group's role and the way to move forward and is the core of connections among employees. We will also conduct engagement surveys and address issues identified in the surveys to increase employee engagement and become a company where employees can keep working with enthusiasm.
To make the concept of the LOGISTEED WAY take root in employees' behaviors and judgment criteria, we hold workplace meetings and regular education, such as rank-based trainings and e-learning, and implement initiatives such as VC activities on an ongoing basis.
We conduct an employee engagement survey annually for the purpose of invigorating the organization and increasing employee engagement. We analyze the survey results in detail, identify internal issues and take necessary actions to solve them. For overseas sites, we plan to conduct surveys on a trial basis in selected areas in FY2023 and conduct surveys simultaneously in Japan and overseas in FY2024.
Score of sustainable engagement*1 (FY2022) | 66*2 |
*1 An index highly correlated with the company's growth that can be measured by questions on
motivation for contribution and a sense of belonging, etc. We set a target value to increase engagement.
*2 Total score of positive answers
Scope: The Company, domestic group companies
We are working to invigorate the organization by analyzing the result of the engagement survey over time, identifying issues by organization and implementing necessary measures. Based on the survey results, we prepared educational programs to deepen the employees' understanding of the "LOGISTEED WAY" and enhance their management skills in FY2022 and have started these programs in FY2023.
The following is the data including Diversity and Job creation, Work-life balance and so on.
Our Service Portfolio