Production Logistics
While logistics challenges at your production bases are truly diverse, we will respond with our strong expertise, proven by our abundant success and backed up by the latest technology, to help you improve logistics quality and efficiency.
In production logistics, it is critical that we jointly strive for overall supply chain optimization, with considerations to smooth synchronization with procurement and sales logistics, that precedes or follows the production. Needless to mention the supply management and products shipping, having an appropriate package design for each product and managing your quality assurance properly can lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and improved management efficiency.
We at the LOGISTEED Group are committed to contributing to your business by optimizing production logistics comprehensively on your behalf.
Three Things to Know about Our Production Logistics
POINT1Support Your Productivity Enhancement
We run all logistics work in the manufacturing process for you, from inventory management of supplies and products, to packing and shipping. By improving on-site logistics efficiency and accuracy, we can contribute to your productivity enhancement.
POINT2You can Focus on Your Core Business
We can support your complex challenges with low-volume, high-mix, high frequency delivery, just-in-time (JIT) feeding, product inventory management, delivery processing, etc. Please feel secure, leaving a variety of in-factory work to us.
POINT3Enhance Efficiency through Optimizing Your Packaging
By entrusting us with the packaging design and packaging materials management, which are essential to your production activities, we will provide support to improve your business and increase your level of client satisfaction.
Learn More about Our Production Logistics
Our highly experienced and knowledgeable professionals will carry out logistics engineering, by applying their advanced engineering skills and expertise, to optimize your operations at production bases through a variety of logistics process.

Inventory/Supply Control at Production Sites
Storage of supplies, inventory management via WMS, just-in-time feeding to production lines, optimal delivery to outsourcing factories, inter-process movements of goods-in-progress, etc.

Packaging Designs/Planning Process
Examination of optimum packing dimensions for specific transport environment conditions and product characteristics, examination of quality protection measures, such as falling, oscillating, and number of stacks, examination of packing workability, such as selection and design of packing materials, and automation, examination of care marks, examination of packing cost, reduction of environmental burden from packing materials, managing packing materials to avoid heavy metals, etc.

Packaging Process
Drawing of work standards, examination of packing machines, establishment of standard packing work hours, management of secondary packing materials, management of accessories (such as user's manual and certificates), etc.

Product Management
Administration of in-house logistics center functions, product inventory management via WMS, shipping, inventory consolidation, improvement of cargo handling and storage facilities, improvement of transport means, etc.

Distribution Management
Shipping in line with production plans, complete distribution management from shipping to final delivery to end-users, selections of optimal delivery methods (shared delivery trucks, transfer depots), monitoring of delivery vehicles movements, jig development of handling or installation, etc.