• Services

ESG Data

ESG Data

The following is the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) performance data of the Group.

ESG Data(PDF format, 315kBytes) open the pdf file


We provide the data of environmental management, reduction of environmental load by products and services, greenhouse gas (GHG), air/chemicals, energy, water/recycling, green purchasing and water.

Environmental data(PDF format, 236kBytes) open the pdf file



We provide the data of employee basic data, diversity, job creation, work-life balance, occupational health and safety, social contribution and open innovation.

Social data(PDF format, 252kBytes) open the pdf file


We provide the data of corporate governance, compliance, risk management, information security and intellectual properties.

Governance data(PDF format, 223kBytes) open the pdf file

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  2. Sustainability
  3. ESG Data