Recyclables Transport
Logistics services for customers who are promoting 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) initiatives for a recycling-oriented, sustainable society.
We the LOGISTEED Group believe that recyclables, such as old paper, plastic bottles, used clothing, and waste plastic, when sorted out from waste, can contribute to the development of a recycling-oriented society, as raw materials in the next production. We play our part through our logistics improvement by feeding such from your site into the production for the second round.
Three Things to Know about Our Recyclables Transport
POINT1Application of forward logistics expertise
Making use of our know-how in developing forward logistics over the years, we can propose integrated reverse logistics solutions that cover storage, loading, transport, unloading, and operation. We contribute to a sustainable society through our initiatives to reduce cost and improve recycling logistics efficiency.
POINT2Modal Shift
Making use of special 40ft containers and sea freight routes of the Vantec Group, we can transport recyclable resources over long distances in bulk economically. We can support your modal shift effort by switching from trucking.
When your recyclables are subject to industrial waste regulations, we perform coordination with relevant ministries and agencies to acquire necessary licenses and permits and stay fully compliant with the law.
Learn more about the transport of recyclable resources

We can efficiently transport in bulk recycling materials such as old paper, waste plastic bottles, used clothing, waste plastic, etc., from the sites where they are generated to recycling companies, or from recycling companies to users of recyclable resources.
Collection and recycling services for containers and packaging

We can transport collected plastic bottles, waste plastic, and old papers to recycling companies in accordance with the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law.

We can support the recycling of products with a variety of packaging.
Transport services for recyclable resources (shredder residue, etc.)

We can efficiently transport in bulk recyclable resources (shredder residue, etc.) used as fuel by raw material companies.

We will propose a total solution including the containers, cargo handling method, modal shift, acquisition of permits and licenses, etc., according to the conditions of the packaging to be transported, collection and delivery locations, unloading facility, and so on.

The most optimal cargo handling method will be proposed together with the packaging and unloading location.

We aim to optimize costs by proposing the most efficient mode of transportation.

We will obtain the necessary waste product collection and transport approval to ensure that operations are legally compliant.