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Environmental Initiatives

In recognition that problems affecting the global environmental conservation are serious matters for all humankind, realization of a sustainable society in harmony with the environment is our top management priority and we construct environmental management system aiming to be an environmentally-friendly "good corporate citizen".

Environmental Protection Action Guidelines

The Company has established Environmental Protection Action Guidelines which outlines our efforts to address environmental issues within our business activities based on our corporate philosophy.

Environmental management structure

Since the establishment of a department dedicated to environmental issues in the head office in August 1992, the Group has worked on reducing environmental load and is currently promoting group-wide activities toward the global "environment-conscious business operations."

Under the supervision of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, the Sustainability Promotion Department, of the Corporate Strategy Office chaired by Executive Officer in charge of environmental issues, is responsible for overall environmental management work and overseas the entire group.

Environmental Management Structure

Promotion of environmental management

At the Group, we hold meetings involving management-level staff that are aimed at enforcing managerial guidance and a better understanding of environmental protection measures. We also actively conduct a training for environmental experts who carry out the environmental guidance.

Improve Eco-Mind Level and Enhance Eco-Management System

Prevention of global warming

In our offices and distribution centers around the country, we are working on a variety of measures towards the prevention of global warming, including energy conservation, power-saving, and so on.

Reduce Environmental Load Generated at All Our Places of Business

Promotion of green logistics

We are pushing through an environmentally-friendly green logistics program, as well as promoting environmental protection measures.

  • 1.
    Promoting collaborative logistics
  • 2.
    Expanding Modal Shift in transportation
  • 3.
    Making the shift to eco-friendly vehicles and eco-friendly driving
  • 4.
    Building environmentally-friendly distribution centers
  • 5.
    Promotion of resource recycling


Collaboration and coordination with third-party assessors

As a member company of the Japan Association for Logistics and Transport (JALoT), the Group supports the activities of JALoT by serving as a board member and taking on the role of an executive member of the organization, as well as by serving as a member of JALoT's Logistics Environment Measures Committee and presenting its views on environmental measures, including climate change issues.

JALoT is an organization that takes the lead in environmental measures, including climate change measures, in the logistics industry. It also conducts activities on behalf of the industry, such as lobbying local administration and laying the groundwork for the expansion of modal shifts, an issue facing the logistics industry.

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